4 Decades and a Wedding! #LoveWins

Ever been at a fundraiser that inspired a spontaneous wedding!?! Last week was a first for The Women’s Foundation of California! Two of our attendees Radha Friedman and Rosa Peralta decided to get married at our SF 40th celebration! Read their story #LoveWins #Happy40WFC

“After the dinner, the three of us were on our way to the dance floor and we stopped at the stairs to take a moment and just take in the incredible privilege we had to be standing in that space. City Hall is so majestic on its own, but there is also so much symbolic history—it’s the place where Harvey Milk once stood, it’s the place where Gavin Newsom performed the first gay marriages—it is sacred ground.

Mary told us that it was also the spot where she and her husband were married and then said, ‘You know, I am ordained—-if you want I can marry you two right now.’ Rosa and I looked at each other and said, ‘When will we ever have the opportunity out to stand on these steps again? And what a better place to do it than surrounded by so many women of color, queer, intersectional friends?!’”

And so we ran up the steps together and Mary performed a ceremony!”

– Radha Friedman


Check out more photos from our San Francisco Celebration here.
Photography via @andrea.x.campos

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