One year ago today, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify against Brett Kavanaugh. “I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified.” Her words inspired countless people to share their own stories, demanding the country and the world reflect on how our society treats those who speak truth to power.
The impact of Dr. Ford’s testimony on our country is tremendous and provided strength for many other survivors of gender based violence, assault and harassment to come forward. As a result, the Women’s Foundation of California collected 15,000 signatures of friends and supporters throughout the state who have added their names to express their gratitude and commitment to stand with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Today, on the one year anniversary, we take time to thank Dr. Ford and realize how far we have to go. We will continue to challenge the system that refuses to center survivors, their safety, and well-being.