Support a Better California with AB 2136 & AB 2759 - Women's Foundation California

UPDATE: AB 2136 & AB2759 was signed by the Governor! 

We are thrilled to share two crucial bills from our Solís Policy Institute: AB 2136 and AB 2759. Both these bills have been passed by the Legislature and now only one is awaiting signature on the Governor’s desk. As we approach the final stage of the legislative process, we need your support to ensure AB 2136 becomes law!

SIGNED: AB 2136: Addressing the Overdose Crisis
Health and Prosperity Team
Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer

This bill presents a vital, evidence-based solution to the overdose crisis by protecting drug-checking program providers and encouraging more jurisdictions to offer these life-saving services. Drug-checking programs provide essential support for individuals, connecting them to healthcare, treatment services, and wraparound programs that promote well-being and informed decision-making. By supporting AB 2136, we can help curb overdose deaths and promote healthier communities. Learn more.

“On behalf of the Solís Policy Institute, we thank the Assembly for supporting and passing AB 2136. This bill presents an evidence-based and cost-effective solution to the overdose crisis aimed at ensuring people have access to healthcare, treatment services, and wraparound programs that enable well-being and safe decision-making.”

– Thuy Do, fellow with the Women’s Foundation California’s Solís Policy Institute (SPI) Health & Prosperity Team.

SIGNED: AB 2759: Protecting Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Trauma Services and Prevention Team
Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris 

Survivors of intimate partner violence are facing heightened challenges due to severe budget cuts to essential services. AB 2759 strengthens existing laws by addressing the dangerous connection between intimate partner violence and gun violence. It ensures that law enforcement and security guards who have committed domestic violence offenses cannot retain their firearms for professional duties. This bill is crucial for safeguarding our communities and providing the comprehensive protections survivors need to heal and thrive. Read the press release.

“In a year marked by severe budget cuts to services for survivors of intimate partner violence and their families, legislation to reinforce existing laws and ensure comprehensive protections for survivors is more crucial than ever. Specifically, legislation that addresses the clear and growing connection between intimate partner violence and gun violence is urgently needed to safeguard our communities. Women’s Foundation California is proud to support AB 2759, along with a suite of bills dedicated to promoting the safety, healing, and overall well-being of survivors across the state.”

– Women’s Foundation California, Solís Policy Institute Trauma Services and Prevention Team


  1. Contact the Governor’s Office:
    Express your support for AB 2136. A quick phone call or email can make a huge difference! If you have not already signed on to a support letter to the Governor, you can do so by going to this website, selecting “An Active Bill” in the topic drop down, and then selecting “AB 2136” in the bill drop down.
  2. Share on Social Media:
    Amplify our message by sharing information about AB 2136 with your networks. The more voices we have, the stronger our impact will be.
  3. Join Us in Advocacy:
    Stay tuned for upcoming events and advocacy opportunities to show your support and take action.
    Newsletter Sign Up

We are proud that AB 2759 has been signed into law! With the Governor’s signature deadline rapidly approaching this Monday, we still urgently need your support in the next 48 hours to ensure AB 2136 is signed as well. Together, we can build a safer, healthier, and more just California for all.

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