Jonae Watts works at PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) as the Senior Employment Specialist and travels throughout Los Angeles City and County collaborating with various Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, City and County America’s Job Centers, community colleges, and government agencies to assist homeless families in obtaining sustainable employment. She is a motivating advocate, with a ton passion, and acts as a voice of those experiencing homelessness while sharing her platform “fusing homelessness with career development which leads to a sustainable income”. Ms. Watts holds professional certifications including: Global Career Development Facility (National Career Development Association); Individual Placement Support Professional (Dartmouth Institute); LA Youth at Work Facilitator (Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce); Certified Career Services Provider (NCDA), and the Workforce Development Professional certification. In addition, she has received several awards for her tireless commitment to working with homeless families.
Jonae Watts

Sr. Employment Specialist
Economic Security