Lauren Babb

Lauren Babb


Reproductive Justice

WPI State Class of 2020

Lauren Babb is a community leader and has spent the last nine years on a series of federal, state, and local campaigns. She was a 2020 Women’s Policy Institute- State Fellow on the reproductive health, rights, and justice team and helped pass SB 1237: The Justice & Equity in Maternity Care Act which removed “physician supervision” for California’s Certified Nurse-Midwives. Lauren is currently an alumna state fellow of the Women’s Policy Institute working to pass AB-1493 (Rubio) Tenancy: Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or elder abuse bill that would provide greater eviction protections for survivors.

Lauren is the Assistant Director of the Office Legislation and Regulations for the California Department of Developmental Services and former Public Affairs Director for Planned Parenthood Northern California. She is a commissioner, member-at-large for the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, and serves on the board for STAND! for Families Free of Violence, Contra Costa Economic Opportunity Council, and former member for the 2020 Contra Costa Complete Count Steering Committee. Lauren is a graduate of American University, the George Washington University School of Political Management, and the 2019 Class of Emerge California.

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