Norma was born in Mexico City and came to California in 1994. She worked for over 10 years in research institutions in Mexico. She was part of the research team at the Demographic and Urban Development Center at El Colegio de Mexico. Later, she was an associate professional at IBAFIN-CIDAC, the first independent think-tank in Mexico devoted to the study and development of policy initiatives in social and economic areas. At CIDAC she became the research manager, directing and conducting research, coordinating topics and agenda, and overseeing the publication of CIDAC studies. Norma specialized in the political economy of organizations and bureaucracies, and the politics within the executive around the budgetary process. She has taught Comparative Politics and Public Policy at Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de México. Norma became a community volunteer with the conviction of promoting the wellbeing and improving the lives of immigrant and Latino communities in the Bay Area. Beyond her understanding of development, Norma is passionate about the interaction of organizations and communities to better the life of families, mothers, women and children. She believes that connections among diverse organizations, foundations and advocates can produce more impactful outcomes. Since joining WomenGo! donor circle and the board of Somos Mayfair, Norma has tried to push that vision. Norma studied Political Science at Stanford University, Public Policy and Public Administration at the London School of Economics, and Social Science at Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de México. Norma lives in Menlo Park and has a daughter and a son.
Norma Alvarez