Last Wednesday, I started my morning celebrating the transformative power of people of color-led organizing in Georgia and by midday found myself horrified. Yet again the violence of white supremacy dominated our news cycle as the brutality in Washington unfolded.
This stark contrast strengthens my conviction that we must continue to invest deeply in organizations and individuals advancing racial, economic, and gender justice right here in California. This network continues to give generously to intersectional feminist organizing and for that, I am tremendously grateful.
The generosity of our Women’s Foundation California community continues to ground and connect me in these uncertain and often isolating times. We closed out 2020 with a 45% increase in community members supporting our work together as donors. The giving and engagement we are experiencing across our network right now is unparalleled.
Last year we made more grants than at any point in the history of Women’s Foundation California. The urgency of the moment was matched by the generosity of our community and we moved nearly $10 million grantmaking dollars to our partners in 2020. As we look to the months and years ahead, I know so much more is not only possible but already happening because of our network.
In 2021, we will welcome new Women’s Policy Institute fellows to train, we will invest meaningfully in frontline organizations led by women of color and gender non-conforming folks, and we will continue to weave connections across networks. There will be bills to pass and emerging leaders to champion. We will shift culture and support movements.
Together, we will navigate the challenges we’ve inherited and the ones we’ve created. We will celebrate the small triumphs and significant victories. We will breathe deeply and act bravely.
Thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do as part of our community.