Unveiling Our New Vision: Theory of the Future - Women's Foundation California
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We are overjoyed to introduce Women’s Foundation California’s new strategic framework: Theory of the Future. Together, we’re building a multiracial, feminist democracy where grassroots communities thrive in health, safety, and prosperity, and where systems are rooted in love and justice.

Our core values are at the heart of everything we do. We embrace alegría, a profound joy rooted in gratitude and resilience. We wield power through collaboration and justice, driving community transformation and challenging oppressive systems. We foster belonging through interconnectedness, nurturing a radical feminism and resilient community.

Wfc Theory of the Future Values and Strategy
Our strategies are simple yet profound: amplify community voices and values, mobilize resources for grassroots movements, and redistribute power to challenge traditional philanthropic norms. We invite you to join us and be part of this transformative journey towards a feminist future.

This work is powered by you.

The feminist future we are building together in California is going to be built by all of us sharing our time, our money, and our skills.  Please consider contributing today.

Together We Are Unstoppable.

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