Héctor Plascencia - Women's Foundation California

Héctor Plascencia


Board Member

Community Health

Board Member
Gender Justice LA

Héctor Trinidad Plascencia (they/them/we/us) was raised in La Puente, California by powerful Latina ciswomen, and is originally from Guadalajara, Mexico. As a transgender, undocumented, queer sister, uncti, daughter and beloved bridge builder, Héctor’s identities and privileges shape their work and holistic approach to social justice. Grounded in community-centered transformation, Héctor is guided by the belief that impacted people must be active in all aspects of movement development and implementation. Their natural progression from immigrant rights organizer to health justice and trans policy advocate led them to center health and healing as focal points of movement building and sustainability. Beyond movement magic, Héctor loves to dance in the mornings, visit the woods with their furry baby and pays homage to their trans-cestors by choosing to live.

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