Potential Women Voters Outnumber Men in Most Districts in California - Women's Foundation California

“…solutions always involve altering perspective, replacing tunnel vision with an expanded view that lets in more light, more possibility.” Paul Loeb, in the The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen’s Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear

What’s the solution to the California budget crisis? It’s not more cuts as usual. The Women’s Foundation of California recently released a report called Falling Behind:The Impact of the Budget Crisis and the Great Recession on California’s Women and Their Families, that showed that California women and children are losing ground due to the combined impact of the recession and state budget cuts. California can do better. We need a balanced approach to the budget that includes revenues. But how will we get there? How will we move from hopelessness to possibility? 

We just did an analysis of the number of women voters as compared to men, and that gave us hope. We saw that women outnumber men. What if the women in this state said, ENOUGH, and used their vote to take a stand of behalf of women and families throughout California? Programs like subsidized child care, welfare to work and community college access are of prime importance to low-income women. These programs help women work and take steps to change their lives for good. Yes, indeed, it would be incredible to see women voters take a stand for the programs that help women escape poverty.

Download the chart that shows just how many women voters there are in California.

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