January-March 2022
Can’t nobody break our stride! From our continued policy work to creating financial literacy power, we’ve continued to resource and support the talent within our community. In case you missed anything check out our highlights for this quarter.
October - December 2021
Somehow it’s already mid-February of 2022, but before we get too deep into this new year I want to celebrate the seeds we’ve been planting and the power we’ve been growing across this community over the last few months.

July-October 2021
In this continued season of uncertainty, there is much to celebrate. Whether we’re welcoming a new class of SPI fellows, reflecting on the impact of our words, or moving money to support voter education around the recall, the span and scope of what our Women’s Foundation California community has accomplished in just the last few months is significant.
April-June 2021
We grew our team and our grantmaking. We built our financial fluency and called for a better kind of philanthropy. We created podcasts and honored beloved colleagues. Together, we carved out space for self-care and restoration.
January - March 2021
The first few months of 2021 were shaped by a rapid succession of highs and lows.
We continued to metabolize the deep pains of racial injustice and pandemic inequality alongside our great hopes for what we can accomplish when we acknowledge our interdependence. Here’s what our Women’s Foundation California community is building together.