Showing up, investing in one another’s success, and doing our part so together we can do more – that is what the Continuum is all about. As a Continuum member, every month I invest part of my paycheck towards the work we do together at Women’s Foundation California.
Join The Continuum!
I am grounded in the Women’s Foundation California community as a Black woman dedicated to liberation and joyful activism. Because I’ve worked on our team for the last two years and I trust deeply in the work we do together, I am glad to invest in our collective power.
Each donation I make ensures that womxn of color closest to the problems we face in California are invested in, trained, and connected to realize meaningful solutions. Making a monthly gift through The Continuum is one way I demonstrate my intersectional feminist values.
Build racial, economic, and gender justice into your budget and join The Continuum today.
When each of us pitches in in our meaningful and distinct way, we are all better able to play our part.