An Open Letter to Meg Whitman - Women's Foundation California

By Joy Picus

Dear Meg,

Now that the elections are over, I hope you are looking for other ways to make a difference in this world.  I’d like to make a suggestion for positive ways in which you might use the vast sums that you have earned.  Look at what other billionaires have done with their money and see it as a model.

Bill and Melinda Gates have created a Foundation that increases the expectations of people who live in unspeakable poverty throughout the world.  Eli Broad has invested his billions in education, medical research and art.  And Wallis Annenberg has awarded more than a quarter billion dollars to over 500 organizations. A visionary who strives to improve the well-being of people and communities throughout the world, she has dedicated her time, talent and wealth to education, arts and culture, and social justice causes – and that’s a few of the causes she cares about. She is a wonderful role model.

The opportunities are unlimited.  Use the power of your wealth to bring hope to the lives of women and girls throughout the world, to solve medical mysteries, to provide a living wage for starving artists.  Philanthropic power can be infinitely more satisfying than political power, and with faster results.

You have proved that you are smart enough to research all these possibilities to discover your passion!  It is much easier than campaigning.  Use your fortune to improve the lives of others, and you will find great reward.  You will be loved and appreciated, not criticized for what you could have done better, or differently.  It is a much easier way to make a better world.  And it needs to be done!

Joy Picus

Joy Picus represented the West San Fernando Valley as a member of the Los Angeles City Council from 1977 to 1993. Her major public policy achievements were in the fields of garbage and hazardous waste, dependent care and the creation of a “family friendly” city. She has spoken on philanthropy and been a panelist at forums and seminars on the west coast, and throughout the country.


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