Celebrating Our Collective Strength - Women's Foundation California

We are still basking in the joy and power that infused our Legislative Reception last week. All of us at Women’s Foundation California are filled with gratitude and want to extend a heartfelt thanks to each of you for joining us to celebrate fierce feminist advocates and our vibrant community of changemakers.

Your presence at the Reception was not just a testament to our collective strength, but a powerful reminder of what we can achieve together. In every story, every embrace, and every voice raised, we witnessed the profound impact of our unity. This annual gathering is more than an event; it is a manifestation of our shared commitment to justice, equality, and the unyielding fight for a better world.


In times marked by threats to bodily autonomy, harmful legislation to our most vulnerable communities, Middle East crises, and attacks on organizations advocating for peace and justice – our togetherness is needed, now more than ever, to redistribute power and resources. Let us carry forward the energy and inspiration from our time in Sacramento. The power of our collectivities lies not only in our shared goals but also in our diverse experiences and perspectives. All of us are a part of this rich tapestry of activism that will continue to propel our movement and illuminate the path ahead.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and for being part of this extraordinary journey. We are an unstoppable force, and together, we will continue to mobilize and shape our feminist future.

This work is powered by you.

The feminist future we are building together in California is going to be built by all of us sharing our time, our money, and our skills.  Please consider contributing today.

Together We Are Unstoppable.

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